Is it a building? Is it a park? No! It’s library. This project depicts a merging of two very different structures of urban environment. Both of them are quite important form the perspective of city inhabitants. Main reading areas are coexisting with garden spaces. For practical reasons, there are also reading spaces isolated from exterior, but the whole park is as open as it can be.
Library is set to be more a digital version. In modern world, especially in Japan, we can saftely assume that majority of people have their own devices. In this situation it frees up a vast amount of space, otherwise occupied by traditional media. Therefor we can use that space to make it more attractive to potential user, and what is more attractive than natural green surrounding, especially in the busy city of Tokyo. Of course, books and magazines will always have their place in every corner and shelve of this library. This human gathering-based and interaction-aimed model will be additionally enhanced, by qualifyed staff. It will act as big data net, helping users to dig thru terabytes of data and reach to information they needed, furthermore encourage human interaction.
Structure is modular with the biggest qube having 25 meteres long side. There are additional levels to give more space and variety. Openings will ensure a fluent integration between levels and vegetation.
Green library, something that never before was possible, now can come into being, thankfully to advanced technology.